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Tag Archives: travellers

[To passing tourists: Fuck off and start from the beginning – you’re not going to be in with the locals here…

To reward-club travellers who’ve been in it for the long haul: We’re reaching our destination.   Read on…]

Time to get things ironed out, right?   No use lugging excess baggage around with me from here on in.   Unfold, shake that shit off, and send Amelia and her mystery missives (bagged and tagged) to the cleaners…


That Text

Three’s a crowd. What begins
with a trick is sure to end in
April showers, love. One to
keep, one to let go, one to die.
Be a wise fool – I’ll be asking

Okay, I get it: it was April Fools, and three’s too many, so one will die.   Already fulfilled with Dwayne, Daisy and me?   Or was it about me, Kane – and Carly?


That Email

Happy Mother’s Day to us both.   Three’s company, but just one will do.   Sibling rivalry can be so healthy, don’t you think kiddo?

So still one to keep, and now stuff about brothers and mothers.   Amelia’s – kinda both to me.   I killed my brother, she her mother?   Is it about Py, me, and Amelia herself?   Or is Amelia planning on some new relatives? – I’m sure as fuck not looking for extended immortal family.   (What I got is fucked-up enough…)


That Card

Nothing is free.   Something is missing.  

Tied to a bent nail on Independence Day, remember?   So I’d just paid for a run in with Brix, and now have a missing ‘nail’ – guess Amelia was rubbing salt in her involvement.   Or teasing at making a fuss over a broken nail?   Or is payment still due – and my loss of a handy appendage was just a deposit?


So if three is the countdown here, Brix is now apparently the kept man and Amelia sent herself packing – which leaves…

