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Dubrovnik is all dazzling white marble reflecting bright Croatian sunlight, and the planned morning excursion along the length of the extensive city walls held no appeal for this night monster.   I was left with the ignominity of minding the empty baby stroller, ensconced at the top of one of the steep stone-staired streets, so narrow and walled-in with buildings that it never sees the light of day.  

The shade was not a relief to be enjoyed in solitude, however.   When Harm’s nephew Caleb threw a fucking great tantrum at the ticket office over the impracticality of being denied early morning icecream, I became both baggage-handler and child-warden…

We sat and leant our elbows on our knees in silence for a while.


Oh shit.   Here we go.






“You got any family?”

The stairs yawned out in cool complacency before me.   I thought of ancient mothers, forgotten fathers, broken brothers and silent siblings.   I thought of the threat of Amelia, the absence of Py, the distance of Daisy, the loss of the Cat, the shadow of Brix, the fragility of Kane and the ignorance of Harm.






Dear Py,

All rhodes eventually lead back to beginnings, so here I am where  we were introduced half a millenia ago: me as the latest toy, you as the oldest (surviving) acquintance.   Weird, huh?   Guess ancient ruins aren’t the only shit that crumble over time…   The weather is not nice – all Mediterranean sunshine, and sparkling water, and a downpour of tourists.   I’d say ‘Wish you were here’, but for all I know, you are; presumably you’ve given up on Iceland and moved to warmer climes in search of our original mutual acquiantance?   If you want to know the forecast, I’d say there’s a distinct chance of Amelia in the air, so get the fuck down here.





Lying with a hand behind my head and the other typing on the Iphone, looking at the darkened ceiling and thinking of – dark things.   Kane is snoring gently in the bed opposite, having gorged on the doritos I bought, and run out of energy drinks.

Know the feeling.   Look at me, for fuck’s sake – fat and lazy from a fortnight of putting some extra ahs into horoscopes and positing my own solution to the Zodiac killings.   Meh.   Simple effort to avoid consuming Harm and family when they take me to Europe, as I don’t live well in close proximity to fast food generally.   Or rather – you lot don’t live well in close proximity to me.   Of course, it’s not that these people  aren’t eminently or imminently edible (and I’m not ruling it out as an option if continental pickings prove slim).   It’s just I’d rather not attract any untoward polizia attention if my travel companions go mysteriously missing.

I expect enough attention from a more dangerous force.

So.   Quit the shitty retail job, finished up at my apartment, said goodbye to Daisy.   Lost a Cat.  

Hell yeah.   Breaking leases and leashes, cutting free of the ridiculous petty trappings that kept me here recently.   Fucking stupid shit – we don’t fucking grow, so we don’t plant ourselves and put out roots and shoots, right?  

We just eat and leave.

Kane asked me a favor before sleep obliterated him.   He’s still besotted with this Mel? (Mal?) girl he met online, and in an appallingly sentimental gesture, is sending a hand-written letter for me to deliver to her.   Yeah – that’s me.   Fucking messenger of ‘love’.   She’s in Italy.   Or France.   Shit – what the fuck did I do with that address…?

Haven’t told Kane I doubt I’ll come back.

Though whether I get to make that decision, or whether death on Amelia wings makes it for me is a whole other ever after.